`SyncSortedSet` are sets similar to C\# [SortedSet\<T\>](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.sortedset-1) that synchronize their contents from the server to the clients.
Create a class that derives from SyncSortedSet for your specific type. This is necessary because Mirror will add methods to that class with the weaver. Then add a SyncSortedSet field to your NetworkBehaviour class. For example:
You can also detect when a SyncSortedSet changes. This is useful for refreshing your character in the client or determining when you need to update your database. Subscribe to the Callback event typically during `Start`, `OnClientStart` or `OnServerStart` for that. Note that by the time you subscribe, the set will already be initialized, so you will not get a call for the initial data, only updates.