SyncVars are variables of scripts that inherit from NetworkBehaviour, which are synchronized from the server to clients. When a game object is spawned, or a new player joins a game in progress, they are sent the latest state of all SyncVars on networked objects that are visible to them. Use the `SyncVar` custom attribute to specify which variables in your script you want to synchronize, like this:
The state of SyncVars is applied to game objects on clients before `OnStartClient()` is called, so the state of the object is always up-to-date inside `OnStartClient()`.
SyncVars can be basic types such as integers, strings and floats. They can also be Unity types such as Vector3 and user-defined structs, but updates for struct SyncVars are sent as monolithic updates, not incremental changes of fields within a struct change. You can have up to 32 SyncVars on a single NetworkBehaviour script, including SyncLists (see next section, below).
The server automatically sends SyncVar updates when the value of a SyncVar changes, so you do not need to track when they change or send information about the changes yourself.