During this section we will focus on using a Windows instance and connecting from a Windows computer.
**Please note: AWS requires a payment method/creditcard added before being able to use a Windows server.**
Don't forget to read up on the free tier limitations [HERE](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/billing-free-tier.html).
During this example we will be using the free tier of the EC2 option, which gives us the possibility to use a Windows instance (if you have already added a payment method).
For more information about which services offer a Free Tier, see [AWS Free Tier](https://aws.amazon.com/free/?all-free-tier.sort-by=item.additionalFields.SortRank&all-free-tier.sort-order=asc&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Types=tier%2312monthsfree&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Categories=categories%23compute).
These are the steps we will go through from start to finish.
1. Account creation
2. Setting up an instance with the EC2 Management Console
3. Configuring the server via RDP (Remote Desktop)
4. Setting up the firewall to allow connections through
5. Testing the connection
## 1. Account Creation
Go to the [Account creation page](https://portal.aws.amazon.com/billing/signup?nc2=h_ct&src=default&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fregistration-confirmation#/start) and
sign up with your details and payment method (creditcard for example). Adding the payment method is necessary to run a windows instance on AWS.
## 2. Setting up an instance with the EC2 Management Console
After setting up your account you should be logged in.
Always make sure you're in your correct region so it's a good habit to check in the top right corner. Change it to the closest location to you now.
After this click on Services in the top left corner and click on EC2. This will bring you to the EC2 instance dashboard and ready to Launch your instance!
Click on **"Launch Instance"**.
There are 7 steps to creating your AWS Instance:
1. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
2. Choose Instance Type
3. Configure Instance
4. Add Storage
5. Add Tags
6. Configure Security Group
7. Review
* **Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image**
Scroll down until you see the Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base (take the newest one if this is outdated).
Make sure that the option you select has the "Free Tier Eligible" under the icon and click on "Select".
![Amazon Machine Image: Microsoft Server 2019](Microsoft%20Server%202019.PNG)
* **Step 2: Choose Instance Type**
Make sure you choose the instance type with the "free tier eligible", at the time of writing this is the t2.micro instance.
Click on **"Next: Configure Instance Details"**. Do **NOT** click on Review and Launch.
![Choose Instance Type](Step%202.png)
* **Step 3: Configure Instance**
Nothing has to be changed at this step. Keep it default. Click on **"Next: Add Storage**.
* **Step 4: Add Storage**
Nothing has to be changed. Keep it default. The 30GB is more than you need but there will be an error if you choose a lower amount.
Keep in mind that you can always click "Previous" if you need to return, you do not need to repeat the entire process if you make a mistake (unless you click Launch at the end).
Click on **"Next: Add Tags** to continue.
* **Step 5: Add Tags**
Nothing has to be changed. Keep it default. Click on **"Next: Configure Security Groups"**
* **Step 6: Configure Security Groups**
**!!IMPORTANT STEP!! This makes it possible to connect to your instance from outside for:**
* **For clients connecting through port 7777 for your Mirror Project.**
* **SSH(if needed)**
Create a new security group and you can give it your own name and description.
Add the following rules:
RDP with source "Anywhere", Description can be whatever but put it as Remote Desktop Program.
Custom TCP Rule with port 7777 and source "Anywhere", Description can be whatever but put it as Mirror.
SSH with source "Anywhere", Description can be whatever but put it as SSH.
Note: SSH is not strictly necessary but can be used to remote connect to it through other means than the RDP.
You can ignore the warning about the source as this is just a testing environment.
In the future you might wish to restrict this but you will almost never know the clients connection IP beforehand.
![Configuring Security Groups](Step%206.png)
Click on **Next: Review and Launch"**
* **Step 7: Review**
Almost there! Make sure everything is correct and you are using the free tier, then click on **"Launch"**.
![Review Of The Instance](Review.png)
One more thing. A window will pop up, asking for your key pair. Just create a new one by selecting the dropdown: **"Create a new key pair"** and give it a name, click on **"Download Key Pair"**.
Keep the key file (.PEM File) somewhere secure (To be 100% certain, back it up somewhere).
![Key Pair](KeyPair.PNG)
Now you can (finally) click on **Launch Instances**!
Go back to your EC2 dashboard by clicking on "Services" at the top left and clicking on EC2.
Now you see you have "Running Instances: 1". **Click on "Running Instances" to continue**.