#if ENABLE_UNET using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkSystem; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace UnityEngine.Networking { [AddComponentMenu("Network/NetworkLobbyManager")] public class NetworkLobbyManager : NetworkManager { struct PendingPlayer { public NetworkConnection conn; public GameObject lobbyPlayer; } // configuration [SerializeField] bool m_ShowLobbyGUI = true; [SerializeField] int m_MaxPlayers = 4; [SerializeField] int m_MaxPlayersPerConnection = 1; [SerializeField] int m_MinPlayers; [SerializeField] NetworkLobbyPlayer m_LobbyPlayerPrefab; [SerializeField] GameObject m_GamePlayerPrefab; [SerializeField] string m_LobbyScene = ""; [SerializeField] string m_PlayScene = ""; // runtime data List m_PendingPlayers = new List(); public NetworkLobbyPlayer[] lobbySlots; // properties public bool showLobbyGUI { get { return m_ShowLobbyGUI; } set { m_ShowLobbyGUI = value; } } public int maxPlayers { get { return m_MaxPlayers; } set { m_MaxPlayers = value; } } public int maxPlayersPerConnection { get { return m_MaxPlayersPerConnection; } set { m_MaxPlayersPerConnection = value; } } public int minPlayers { get { return m_MinPlayers; } set { m_MinPlayers = value; } } public NetworkLobbyPlayer lobbyPlayerPrefab { get { return m_LobbyPlayerPrefab; } set { m_LobbyPlayerPrefab = value; } } public GameObject gamePlayerPrefab { get { return m_GamePlayerPrefab; } set { m_GamePlayerPrefab = value; } } public string lobbyScene { get { return m_LobbyScene; } set { m_LobbyScene = value; offlineScene = value; } } public string playScene { get { return m_PlayScene; } set { m_PlayScene = value; } } void OnValidate() { m_MaxPlayers = Mathf.Max(m_MaxPlayers, 1); // > 1 m_MaxPlayersPerConnection = Mathf.Clamp(m_MaxPlayersPerConnection, 1, maxPlayers); // [1, maxPlayers] m_MinPlayers = Mathf.Clamp(m_MinPlayers, 0, m_MaxPlayers); // [0, maxPlayers] if (m_LobbyPlayerPrefab != null) { var uv = m_LobbyPlayerPrefab.GetComponent(); if (uv == null) { m_LobbyPlayerPrefab = null; Debug.LogWarning("LobbyPlayer prefab must have a NetworkIdentity component."); } } if (m_GamePlayerPrefab != null) { var uv = m_GamePlayerPrefab.GetComponent(); if (uv == null) { m_GamePlayerPrefab = null; Debug.LogWarning("GamePlayer prefab must have a NetworkIdentity component."); } } } int FindSlot() { return Array.FindIndex(lobbySlots, sl => sl == null); } void SceneLoadedForPlayer(NetworkConnection conn, GameObject lobbyPlayerGameObject) { var lobbyPlayer = lobbyPlayerGameObject.GetComponent(); if (lobbyPlayer == null) { // not a lobby player.. dont replace it return; } string loadedSceneName = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(0).name; if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobby SceneLoadedForPlayer scene:" + loadedSceneName + " " + conn); } if (loadedSceneName == m_LobbyScene) { // cant be ready in lobby, add to ready list PendingPlayer pending; pending.conn = conn; pending.lobbyPlayer = lobbyPlayerGameObject; m_PendingPlayers.Add(pending); return; } var controllerId = lobbyPlayerGameObject.GetComponent().playerControllerId; var gamePlayer = OnLobbyServerCreateGamePlayer(conn, controllerId); if (gamePlayer == null) { // get start position from base class Transform startPos = GetStartPosition(); if (startPos != null) { gamePlayer = (GameObject)Instantiate(gamePlayerPrefab, startPos.position, startPos.rotation); } else { gamePlayer = (GameObject)Instantiate(gamePlayerPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity); } } if (!OnLobbyServerSceneLoadedForPlayer(lobbyPlayerGameObject, gamePlayer)) { return; } // replace lobby player with game player NetworkServer.ReplacePlayerForConnection(conn, gamePlayer, controllerId); } static int CheckConnectionIsReadyToBegin(NetworkConnection conn) { return conn.playerControllers.Count( pc => pc.IsValid && pc.gameObject.GetComponent().readyToBegin ); } public void CheckReadyToBegin() { string loadedSceneName = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(0).name; if (loadedSceneName != m_LobbyScene) { return; } int readyCount = 0; int playerCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NetworkServer.connections.Count; i++) { var conn = NetworkServer.connections[i]; if (conn != null) { playerCount += 1; readyCount += CheckConnectionIsReadyToBegin(conn); } } if (m_MinPlayers > 0 && readyCount < m_MinPlayers) { // not enough players ready yet. return; } if (readyCount < playerCount) { // not all players are ready yet return; } m_PendingPlayers.Clear(); OnLobbyServerPlayersReady(); } public void ServerReturnToLobby() { if (!NetworkServer.active) { Debug.Log("ServerReturnToLobby called on client"); return; } ServerChangeScene(m_LobbyScene); } void CallOnClientEnterLobby() { OnLobbyClientEnter(); for (int i = 0; i < lobbySlots.Length; i++) { var player = lobbySlots[i]; if (player != null) { player.readyToBegin = false; player.OnClientEnterLobby(); } } } void CallOnClientExitLobby() { OnLobbyClientExit(); for (int i = 0; i < lobbySlots.Length; i++) { var player = lobbySlots[i]; if (player != null) { player.OnClientExitLobby(); } } } public bool SendReturnToLobby() { if (client != null && client.isConnected) { var msg = new EmptyMessage(); client.Send(MsgType.LobbyReturnToLobby, msg); return true; } return false; } // ------------------------ server handlers ------------------------ public override void OnServerConnect(NetworkConnection conn) { // numPlayers returns the player count including this one, so ok to be equal if (numPlayers > maxPlayers) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("NetworkLobbyManager can't accept new connection [" + conn + "], too many players connected."); } conn.Disconnect(); return; } // cannot join game in progress string loadedSceneName = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(0).name; if (loadedSceneName != m_LobbyScene) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("NetworkLobbyManager can't accept new connection [" + conn + "], not in lobby and game already in progress."); } conn.Disconnect(); return; } base.OnServerConnect(conn); // when a new client connects, set all old players as dirty so their current ready state is sent out for (int i = 0; i < lobbySlots.Length; ++i) { if (lobbySlots[i]) { lobbySlots[i].SetDirtyBit(1); } } OnLobbyServerConnect(conn); } public override void OnServerDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) { base.OnServerDisconnect(conn); // if lobbyplayer for this connection has not been destroyed by now, then destroy it here for (int i = 0; i < lobbySlots.Length; i++) { var player = lobbySlots[i]; if (player != null) { if (player.connectionToClient == conn) { lobbySlots[i] = null; NetworkServer.Destroy(player.gameObject); } } } OnLobbyServerDisconnect(conn); } public override void OnServerAddPlayer(NetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId) { string loadedSceneName = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(0).name; if (loadedSceneName != m_LobbyScene) { return; } // check MaxPlayersPerConnection int numPlayersForConnection = conn.playerControllers.Count(pc => pc.IsValid); if (numPlayersForConnection >= maxPlayersPerConnection) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("NetworkLobbyManager no more players for this connection."); } conn.Send(MsgType.LobbyAddPlayerFailed, new EmptyMessage()); return; } // find empty slot and make sure that it's within byte range for packet int slot = FindSlot(); if (slot == -1 || slot > byte.MaxValue) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("NetworkLobbyManager no space for more players"); } conn.Send(MsgType.LobbyAddPlayerFailed, new EmptyMessage()); return; } var newLobbyGameObject = OnLobbyServerCreateLobbyPlayer(conn, playerControllerId); if (newLobbyGameObject == null) { newLobbyGameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(lobbyPlayerPrefab.gameObject, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity); } var newLobbyPlayer = newLobbyGameObject.GetComponent(); newLobbyPlayer.slot = (byte)slot; lobbySlots[slot] = newLobbyPlayer; NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, newLobbyGameObject, playerControllerId); } public override void OnServerRemovePlayer(NetworkConnection conn, PlayerController player) { var playerControllerId = player.playerControllerId; byte slot = player.gameObject.GetComponent().slot; lobbySlots[slot] = null; base.OnServerRemovePlayer(conn, player); for (int i = 0; i < lobbySlots.Length; i++) { var lobbyPlayer = lobbySlots[i]; if (lobbyPlayer != null) { lobbyPlayer.GetComponent().readyToBegin = false; LobbyReadyToBeginMessage msg = new LobbyReadyToBeginMessage(); msg.slotId = lobbyPlayer.slot; msg.readyState = false; NetworkServer.SendToReady(null, MsgType.LobbyReadyToBegin, msg); } } OnLobbyServerPlayerRemoved(conn, playerControllerId); } public override void ServerChangeScene(string sceneName) { if (sceneName == m_LobbyScene) { for (int i = 0; i < lobbySlots.Length; i++) { var lobbyPlayer = lobbySlots[i]; if (lobbyPlayer != null) { // find the game-player object for this connection, and destroy it var uv = lobbyPlayer.GetComponent(); PlayerController playerController; if (uv.connectionToClient.GetPlayerController(uv.playerControllerId, out playerController)) { NetworkServer.Destroy(playerController.gameObject); } if (NetworkServer.active) { // re-add the lobby object lobbyPlayer.GetComponent().readyToBegin = false; NetworkServer.ReplacePlayerForConnection(uv.connectionToClient, lobbyPlayer.gameObject, uv.playerControllerId); } } } } base.ServerChangeScene(sceneName); } public override void OnServerSceneChanged(string sceneName) { if (sceneName != m_LobbyScene) { // call SceneLoadedForPlayer on any players that become ready while we were loading the scene. for (int i = 0; i < m_PendingPlayers.Count; i++) { var pending = m_PendingPlayers[i]; SceneLoadedForPlayer(pending.conn, pending.lobbyPlayer); } m_PendingPlayers.Clear(); } OnLobbyServerSceneChanged(sceneName); } void OnServerReadyToBeginMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg) { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobbyManager OnServerReadyToBeginMessage"); } LobbyReadyToBeginMessage msg = new LobbyReadyToBeginMessage(); netMsg.ReadMessage(msg); PlayerController lobbyController; if (!netMsg.conn.GetPlayerController(msg.slotId, out lobbyController)) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager OnServerReadyToBeginMessage invalid playerControllerId " + msg.slotId); } return; } // set this player ready var lobbyPlayer = lobbyController.gameObject.GetComponent(); lobbyPlayer.readyToBegin = msg.readyState; // tell every player that this player is ready var outMsg = new LobbyReadyToBeginMessage(); outMsg.slotId = lobbyPlayer.slot; outMsg.readyState = msg.readyState; NetworkServer.SendToReady(null, MsgType.LobbyReadyToBegin, outMsg); // maybe start the game CheckReadyToBegin(); } void OnServerSceneLoadedMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg) { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobbyManager OnSceneLoadedMessage"); } IntegerMessage msg = new IntegerMessage(); netMsg.ReadMessage(msg); PlayerController lobbyController; if (!netMsg.conn.GetPlayerController((short)msg.value, out lobbyController)) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager OnServerSceneLoadedMessage invalid playerControllerId " + msg.value); } return; } SceneLoadedForPlayer(netMsg.conn, lobbyController.gameObject); } void OnServerReturnToLobbyMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg) { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobbyManager OnServerReturnToLobbyMessage"); } ServerReturnToLobby(); } public override void OnStartServer() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_LobbyScene)) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager LobbyScene is empty. Set the LobbyScene in the inspector for the NetworkLobbyMangaer"); } return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_PlayScene)) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager PlayScene is empty. Set the PlayScene in the inspector for the NetworkLobbyMangaer"); } return; } if (lobbySlots.Length == 0) { lobbySlots = new NetworkLobbyPlayer[maxPlayers]; } NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.LobbyReadyToBegin, OnServerReadyToBeginMessage); NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.LobbySceneLoaded, OnServerSceneLoadedMessage); NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.LobbyReturnToLobby, OnServerReturnToLobbyMessage); OnLobbyStartServer(); } public override void OnStartHost() { OnLobbyStartHost(); } public override void OnStopHost() { OnLobbyStopHost(); } // ------------------------ client handlers ------------------------ public override void OnStartClient(NetworkClient lobbyClient) { if (lobbySlots.Length == 0) { lobbySlots = new NetworkLobbyPlayer[maxPlayers]; } if (m_LobbyPlayerPrefab == null || m_LobbyPlayerPrefab.gameObject == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager no LobbyPlayer prefab is registered. Please add a LobbyPlayer prefab."); } } else { ClientScene.RegisterPrefab(m_LobbyPlayerPrefab.gameObject); } if (m_GamePlayerPrefab == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager no GamePlayer prefab is registered. Please add a GamePlayer prefab."); } } else { ClientScene.RegisterPrefab(m_GamePlayerPrefab); } lobbyClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.LobbyReadyToBegin, OnClientReadyToBegin); lobbyClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.LobbyAddPlayerFailed, OnClientAddPlayerFailedMessage); OnLobbyStartClient(lobbyClient); } public override void OnClientConnect(NetworkConnection conn) { OnLobbyClientConnect(conn); CallOnClientEnterLobby(); base.OnClientConnect(conn); } public override void OnClientDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) { OnLobbyClientDisconnect(conn); base.OnClientDisconnect(conn); } public override void OnStopClient() { OnLobbyStopClient(); CallOnClientExitLobby(); } public override void OnClientSceneChanged(NetworkConnection conn) { string loadedSceneName = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(0).name; if (loadedSceneName == m_LobbyScene) { if (client.isConnected) { CallOnClientEnterLobby(); } } else { CallOnClientExitLobby(); } base.OnClientSceneChanged(conn); OnLobbyClientSceneChanged(conn); } void OnClientReadyToBegin(NetworkMessage netMsg) { LobbyReadyToBeginMessage msg = new LobbyReadyToBeginMessage(); netMsg.ReadMessage(msg); if (msg.slotId >= lobbySlots.Count()) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager OnClientReadyToBegin invalid lobby slot " + msg.slotId); } return; } var lobbyPlayer = lobbySlots[msg.slotId]; if (lobbyPlayer == null || lobbyPlayer.gameObject == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkLobbyManager OnClientReadyToBegin no player at lobby slot " + msg.slotId); } return; } lobbyPlayer.readyToBegin = msg.readyState; lobbyPlayer.OnClientReady(msg.readyState); } void OnClientAddPlayerFailedMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg) { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobbyManager Add Player failed."); } OnLobbyClientAddPlayerFailed(); } // ------------------------ lobby server virtuals ------------------------ public virtual void OnLobbyStartHost() { } public virtual void OnLobbyStopHost() { } public virtual void OnLobbyStartServer() { } public virtual void OnLobbyServerConnect(NetworkConnection conn) { } public virtual void OnLobbyServerDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) { } public virtual void OnLobbyServerSceneChanged(string sceneName) { } public virtual GameObject OnLobbyServerCreateLobbyPlayer(NetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId) { return null; } public virtual GameObject OnLobbyServerCreateGamePlayer(NetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId) { return null; } public virtual void OnLobbyServerPlayerRemoved(NetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId) { } // for users to apply settings from their lobby player object to their in-game player object public virtual bool OnLobbyServerSceneLoadedForPlayer(GameObject lobbyPlayer, GameObject gamePlayer) { return true; } public virtual void OnLobbyServerPlayersReady() { // all players are readyToBegin, start the game ServerChangeScene(m_PlayScene); } // ------------------------ lobby client virtuals ------------------------ public virtual void OnLobbyClientEnter() { } public virtual void OnLobbyClientExit() { } public virtual void OnLobbyClientConnect(NetworkConnection conn) { } public virtual void OnLobbyClientDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn) { } public virtual void OnLobbyStartClient(NetworkClient lobbyClient) { } public virtual void OnLobbyStopClient() { } public virtual void OnLobbyClientSceneChanged(NetworkConnection conn) { } // for users to handle adding a player failed on the server public virtual void OnLobbyClientAddPlayerFailed() { } // ------------------------ optional UI ------------------------ void OnGUI() { if (!showLobbyGUI) return; string loadedSceneName = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(0).name; if (loadedSceneName != m_LobbyScene) return; Rect backgroundRec = new Rect(90 , 180, 500, 150); GUI.Box(backgroundRec, "Players:"); if (NetworkClient.active) { Rect addRec = new Rect(100, 300, 120, 20); if (GUI.Button(addRec, "Add Player")) { TryToAddPlayer(); } } } public void TryToAddPlayer() { if (NetworkClient.active) { short controllerId = -1; var controllers = NetworkClient.allClients[0].connection.playerControllers; if (controllers.Count < maxPlayers) { controllerId = (short)controllers.Count; } else { for (short i = 0; i < maxPlayers; i++) { if (!controllers[i].IsValid) { controllerId = i; break; } } } if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobbyManager TryToAddPlayer controllerId " + controllerId + " ready:" + ClientScene.ready); } if (controllerId == -1) { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobbyManager No Space!"); } return; } if (ClientScene.ready) { ClientScene.AddPlayer(controllerId); } else { ClientScene.AddPlayer(NetworkClient.allClients[0].connection, controllerId); } } else { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("NetworkLobbyManager NetworkClient not active!"); } } } } } #endif //ENABLE_UNET