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Population: ONE Zooba SCP: Secret Laboratory Naïca Online
Laurum Online SamuTale Nimoyd The Wall
Nestables A Glimpse of Luna One More Night Cubica
Inferna NightZ
And [many more](https://mirror-networking.com/showcase/)... ## Mirror LTS (Long Term Support) If you use Mirror in production, consider Mirror LTS! * **Bug fixes** only. * **Consistent API**: update any time, without any breaking features. * Lives along side **Unity 2019** LTS. * Supported from Sept. 2021 to Sept 2022, depending on feedback. **Mirror V46 LTS** is available to all [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/vis2k). All sponsors are invited to the [Mirror V46 LTS Repository](https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror-46-LTS) automatically. ## Low Level Transports * (built in) [KCP](https://github.com/vis2k/kcp2k): reliable UDP * (built in) [Telepathy](https://github.com/vis2k/Telepathy): TCP * (built in) [Websockets](https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/SimpleWebTransport): Websockets * [Ignorance](https://github.com/SoftwareGuy/Ignorance/): ENET UDP * [LiteNetLib](https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/LiteNetLibTransport/) UDP * [FizzySteam](https://github.com/Chykary/FizzySteamworks/): SteamNetwork * [FizzyFacepunch](https://github.com/Chykary/FizzyFacepunch/): SteamNetwork * [Epic Relay](https://github.com/FakeByte/EpicOnlineTransport): Epic Online Services * [Bubble](https://github.com/Squaresweets/BubbleTransport): Apple GameCenter * [Light Reflective Mirror](https://github.com/Derek-R-S/Light-Reflective-Mirror): Self-Hosted Relay * [Oculus P2P](https://github.com/hyferg/MirrorOculusP2P): Oculus Platform Service ## Benchmarks * [uMMORPG 480 CCU](https://youtu.be/mDCNff1S9ZU) (worst case) * [Jesus' Benchmarks](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GMxcWAz3ePt3RioK8k4erpVSpujMkYje4scOuPwM8Ug/edit?usp=sharing) ## Development & Contributing Mirror is used **in production** by everything from small indie projects to million dollar funded games that will run for a decade or more. Therefore it is of utmost importance for us to follow the [KISS principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle) in order for our games to survive, so that we can still fix networking bugs 10 years from now if needed. Keeping the next decade in mind, contributing **fixes** / **tests** / **improvements** is highly appreciated while new features have a low probability of being merged. _At this point, what we don't add to Mirror is more important than what we do add to it!_ # Bug Bounty A lot of projects use Mirror in production. If you found a critical bug / exploit in Mirror core, please reach out to us in private. Depending on the severity of the exploit, we offer $50 - $500 for now. Rewards based on Mirror's [donations](https://github.com/sponsors/vis2k), capped at amount of donations we received that month. **Specifically we are looking for:** * Ways to crash a Mirror server * Ways to exploit a Mirror server * Ways to leave a Mirror server in undefined state We are **not** looking for DOS/DDOS attacks. The exploit should be possible with just a couple of network packets, and it should be reproducible. **Credits / past findings / fixes:** * 2020, fholm: fuzzing ConnectMessage to stop further connects [[#2397](https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/2397)]