using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Mirage.NetworkProfiler.ModuleGUI.UITable; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace Mirage.NetworkProfiler.ModuleGUI.Messages { internal class Group { public readonly List Rows = new List(); public readonly string Name; public readonly List Messages = new List(); private readonly Table _table; private readonly Columns _columns; public Row Head; public int TotalBytes { get; private set; } public int TotalCount { get; private set; } public int Order { get; private set; } public bool Expanded { get; private set; } public Group(string name, Table table, Columns columns) { Name = name; _table = table; _columns = columns; // start at max, then take min each time message is added Order = int.MaxValue; } public void AddMessage(MessageInfo msg) { Messages.Add(new DrawnMessage { Info = msg }); TotalBytes += msg.TotalBytes; TotalCount += msg.Count; Order = Math.Min(Order, msg.Order); } public void ToggleExpand() { Expand(!Expanded); } public void Expand(bool expanded) { Expanded = expanded; // create rows if needed LazyCreateRows(); foreach (var row in Rows) { = expanded ? DisplayStyle.Flex : DisplayStyle.None; } // head can be null if ungrouped Head?.SetText(_columns.Expand, Expanded ? "-" : "+"); } public void LazyCreateRows() { // not visible, do nothing till row is expanded if (!Expanded) return; // already created if (Rows.Count > 0) return; DrawMessages(); } /// Messages to add to table /// list to add rows to once created, Can be null private void DrawMessages() { var previous = Head; var backgroundColor = GetBackgroundColor(); foreach (var drawn in Messages) { var row = _table.AddRow(previous); Rows.Add(row); // set previous to be new row, so that message are added in order after previous previous = row; drawn.Row = row; var info = drawn.Info; DrawMessage(row, info); // set color of labels not whole row, otherwise color will be outside of table as well foreach (var ele in row.GetChildren()) = backgroundColor; } } private void DrawMessage(Row row, MessageInfo info) { foreach (var column in _columns) { row.SetText(column, column.TextGetter.Invoke(info)); if (column.HasToolTip) { var label = row.GetLabel(column); label.tooltip = column.ToolTipGetter.Invoke(info); } } } private static Color GetBackgroundColor() { // pick color that is lighter/darker than default editor background // todo check if there is a way to get the real color, or do we have to use `isProSkin`? return EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? (Color)new Color32(56, 56, 56, 255) / 0.8f : (Color)new Color32(194, 194, 194, 255) * .8f; } } }