#if ENABLE_UNET using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using UnityEngine.Networking.Match; using UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkSystem; namespace UnityEngine.Networking { public class NetworkClient { Type m_NetworkConnectionClass = typeof(NetworkConnection); const int k_MaxEventsPerFrame = 500; static List s_Clients = new List(); static bool s_IsActive; public static List allClients { get { return s_Clients; } } public static bool active { get { return s_IsActive; } } HostTopology m_HostTopology; int m_HostPort; bool m_UseSimulator; int m_SimulatedLatency; float m_PacketLoss; string m_ServerIp = ""; int m_ServerPort; int m_ClientId = -1; int m_ClientConnectionId = -1; //int m_RelaySlotId = -1; int m_StatResetTime; EndPoint m_RemoteEndPoint; // static message objects to avoid runtime-allocations static CRCMessage s_CRCMessage = new CRCMessage(); NetworkMessageHandlers m_MessageHandlers = new NetworkMessageHandlers(); protected NetworkConnection m_Connection; byte[] m_MsgBuffer; NetworkReader m_MsgReader; protected enum ConnectState { None, Resolving, Resolved, Connecting, Connected, Disconnected, Failed } protected ConnectState m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.None; string m_RequestedServerHost = ""; internal void SetHandlers(NetworkConnection conn) { conn.SetHandlers(m_MessageHandlers); } public string serverIp { get { return m_ServerIp; } } public int serverPort { get { return m_ServerPort; } } public NetworkConnection connection { get { return m_Connection; } } #if ENABLE_UNET_HOST_MIGRATION [Obsolete("Moved to NetworkMigrationManager.")] #else [Obsolete("Removed")] #endif public PeerInfoMessage[] peers { get { return null; } } internal int hostId { get { return m_ClientId; } } public Dictionary handlers { get { return m_MessageHandlers.GetHandlers(); } } public int numChannels { get { return m_HostTopology.DefaultConfig.ChannelCount; } } public HostTopology hostTopology { get { return m_HostTopology; }} public int hostPort { get { return m_HostPort; } set { if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Port must not be a negative number."); if (value > 65535) throw new ArgumentException("Port must not be greater than 65535."); m_HostPort = value; } } public bool isConnected { get { return m_AsyncConnect == ConnectState.Connected; }} public Type networkConnectionClass { get { return m_NetworkConnectionClass; } } public void SetNetworkConnectionClass() where T : NetworkConnection { m_NetworkConnectionClass = typeof(T); } public NetworkClient() { if (LogFilter.logDev) { Debug.Log("Client created version " + Version.Current); } m_MsgBuffer = new byte[NetworkMessage.MaxMessageSize]; m_MsgReader = new NetworkReader(m_MsgBuffer); AddClient(this); } public NetworkClient(NetworkConnection conn) { if (LogFilter.logDev) { Debug.Log("Client created version " + Version.Current); } m_MsgBuffer = new byte[NetworkMessage.MaxMessageSize]; m_MsgReader = new NetworkReader(m_MsgBuffer); AddClient(this); SetActive(true); m_Connection = conn; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Connected; conn.SetHandlers(m_MessageHandlers); RegisterSystemHandlers(false); } public bool Configure(ConnectionConfig config, int maxConnections) { HostTopology top = new HostTopology(config, maxConnections); return Configure(top); } public bool Configure(HostTopology topology) { //NOTE: this maxConnections is across all clients that use this tuner, so it is // effectively the number of _clients_. m_HostTopology = topology; return true; } public void Connect(MatchInfo matchInfo) { PrepareForConnect(); ConnectWithRelay(matchInfo); } #if ENABLE_UNET_HOST_MIGRATION public bool ReconnectToNewHost(string serverIp, int serverPort) { if (!NetworkClient.active) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect - NetworkClient must be active"); } return false; } if (m_Connection == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect - no old connection exists"); } return false; } if (LogFilter.logInfo) { Debug.Log("NetworkClient Reconnect " + serverIp + ":" + serverPort); } ClientScene.HandleClientDisconnect(m_Connection); ClientScene.ClearLocalPlayers(); m_Connection.Disconnect(); m_Connection = null; m_ClientId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(m_HostTopology, m_HostPort); string hostnameOrIp = serverIp; m_ServerPort = serverPort; //TODO: relay reconnect /* if (Match.NetworkMatch.matchSingleton != null) { hostnameOrIp = Match.NetworkMatch.matchSingleton.address; m_ServerPort = Match.NetworkMatch.matchSingleton.port; }*/ if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) { m_ServerIp = hostnameOrIp; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolved; } else if (serverIp.Equals("") || serverIp.Equals("localhost")) { m_ServerIp = ""; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolved; } else { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Async DNS START:" + hostnameOrIp); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolving; Dns.BeginGetHostAddresses(hostnameOrIp, new AsyncCallback(GetHostAddressesCallback), this); } return true; } public bool ReconnectToNewHost(EndPoint secureTunnelEndPoint) { if (!NetworkClient.active) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect - NetworkClient must be active"); } return false; } if (m_Connection == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect - no old connection exists"); } return false; } if (LogFilter.logInfo) { Debug.Log("NetworkClient Reconnect to remoteSockAddr"); } ClientScene.HandleClientDisconnect(m_Connection); ClientScene.ClearLocalPlayers(); m_Connection.Disconnect(); m_Connection = null; m_ClientId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(m_HostTopology, m_HostPort); if (secureTunnelEndPoint == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect failed: null endpoint passed in"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return false; } // Make sure it's either IPv4 or IPv6 if (secureTunnelEndPoint.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork && secureTunnelEndPoint.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect failed: Endpoint AddressFamily must be either InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return false; } // Make sure it's an Endpoint we know what to do with string endPointType = secureTunnelEndPoint.GetType().FullName; if (endPointType == "System.Net.IPEndPoint") { IPEndPoint tmp = (IPEndPoint)secureTunnelEndPoint; Connect(tmp.Address.ToString(), tmp.Port); return m_AsyncConnect != ConnectState.Failed; } if ((endPointType != "UnityEngine.XboxOne.XboxOneEndPoint") && (endPointType != "UnityEngine.PS4.SceEndPoint")) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect failed: invalid Endpoint (not IPEndPoint or XboxOneEndPoint or SceEndPoint)"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return false; } byte error = 0; // regular non-relay connect m_RemoteEndPoint = secureTunnelEndPoint; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Connecting; try { m_ClientConnectionId = NetworkTransport.ConnectEndPoint(m_ClientId, m_RemoteEndPoint, 0, out error); } catch (Exception ex) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect failed: Exception when trying to connect to EndPoint: " + ex); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return false; } if (m_ClientConnectionId == 0) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Reconnect failed: Unable to connect to EndPoint (" + error + ")"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return false; } m_Connection = (NetworkConnection)Activator.CreateInstance(m_NetworkConnectionClass); m_Connection.SetHandlers(m_MessageHandlers); m_Connection.Initialize(m_ServerIp, m_ClientId, m_ClientConnectionId, m_HostTopology); return true; } #endif public void ConnectWithSimulator(string serverIp, int serverPort, int latency, float packetLoss) { m_UseSimulator = true; m_SimulatedLatency = latency; m_PacketLoss = packetLoss; Connect(serverIp, serverPort); } static bool IsValidIpV6(string address) { // use C# built-in method IPAddress temp; return IPAddress.TryParse(address, out temp) && temp.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6; } public void Connect(string serverIp, int serverPort) { PrepareForConnect(); if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Client Connect: " + serverIp + ":" + serverPort); } string hostnameOrIp = serverIp; m_ServerPort = serverPort; if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) { m_ServerIp = hostnameOrIp; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolved; } else if (serverIp.Equals("") || serverIp.Equals("localhost")) { m_ServerIp = ""; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolved; } else if (serverIp.IndexOf(":") != -1 && IsValidIpV6(serverIp)) { m_ServerIp = serverIp; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolved; } else { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Async DNS START:" + hostnameOrIp); } m_RequestedServerHost = hostnameOrIp; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolving; Dns.BeginGetHostAddresses(hostnameOrIp, GetHostAddressesCallback, this); } } public void Connect(EndPoint secureTunnelEndPoint) { bool usePlatformSpecificProtocols = NetworkTransport.DoesEndPointUsePlatformProtocols(secureTunnelEndPoint); PrepareForConnect(usePlatformSpecificProtocols); if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Client Connect to remoteSockAddr"); } if (secureTunnelEndPoint == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Connect failed: null endpoint passed in"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return; } // Make sure it's either IPv4 or IPv6 if (secureTunnelEndPoint.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork && secureTunnelEndPoint.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Connect failed: Endpoint AddressFamily must be either InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return; } // Make sure it's an Endpoint we know what to do with string endPointType = secureTunnelEndPoint.GetType().FullName; if (endPointType == "System.Net.IPEndPoint") { IPEndPoint tmp = (IPEndPoint)secureTunnelEndPoint; Connect(tmp.Address.ToString(), tmp.Port); return; } if ((endPointType != "UnityEngine.XboxOne.XboxOneEndPoint") && (endPointType != "UnityEngine.PS4.SceEndPoint") && (endPointType != "UnityEngine.PSVita.SceEndPoint")) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Connect failed: invalid Endpoint (not IPEndPoint or XboxOneEndPoint or SceEndPoint)"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return; } byte error = 0; // regular non-relay connect m_RemoteEndPoint = secureTunnelEndPoint; m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Connecting; try { m_ClientConnectionId = NetworkTransport.ConnectEndPoint(m_ClientId, m_RemoteEndPoint, 0, out error); } catch (Exception ex) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Connect failed: Exception when trying to connect to EndPoint: " + ex); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return; } if (m_ClientConnectionId == 0) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Connect failed: Unable to connect to EndPoint (" + error + ")"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return; } m_Connection = (NetworkConnection)Activator.CreateInstance(m_NetworkConnectionClass); m_Connection.SetHandlers(m_MessageHandlers); m_Connection.Initialize(m_ServerIp, m_ClientId, m_ClientConnectionId, m_HostTopology); } void PrepareForConnect() { PrepareForConnect(false); } void PrepareForConnect(bool usePlatformSpecificProtocols) { SetActive(true); RegisterSystemHandlers(false); if (m_HostTopology == null) { var config = new ConnectionConfig(); config.AddChannel(QosType.ReliableSequenced); config.AddChannel(QosType.Unreliable); config.UsePlatformSpecificProtocols = usePlatformSpecificProtocols; m_HostTopology = new HostTopology(config, 8); } if (m_UseSimulator) { int minTimeout = (m_SimulatedLatency / 3) - 1; if (minTimeout < 1) { minTimeout = 1; } int maxTimeout = m_SimulatedLatency * 3; if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("AddHost Using Simulator " + minTimeout + "/" + maxTimeout); } m_ClientId = NetworkTransport.AddHostWithSimulator(m_HostTopology, minTimeout, maxTimeout, m_HostPort); } else { m_ClientId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(m_HostTopology, m_HostPort); } } // this called in another thread! Cannot call Update() here. internal static void GetHostAddressesCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { try { IPAddress[] ip = Dns.EndGetHostAddresses(ar); NetworkClient client = (NetworkClient)ar.AsyncState; if (ip.Length == 0) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("DNS lookup failed for:" + client.m_RequestedServerHost); } client.m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; return; } client.m_ServerIp = ip[0].ToString(); client.m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Resolved; if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Async DNS Result:" + client.m_ServerIp + " for " + client.m_RequestedServerHost + ": " + client.m_ServerIp); } } catch (SocketException e) { NetworkClient client = (NetworkClient)ar.AsyncState; if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("DNS resolution failed: " + e.GetErrorCode()); } if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Exception:" + e); } client.m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Failed; } } internal void ContinueConnect() { byte error; // regular non-relay connect if (m_UseSimulator) { int simLatency = m_SimulatedLatency / 3; if (simLatency < 1) { simLatency = 1; } if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Connect Using Simulator " + (m_SimulatedLatency / 3) + "/" + m_SimulatedLatency); } var simConfig = new ConnectionSimulatorConfig( simLatency, m_SimulatedLatency, simLatency, m_SimulatedLatency, m_PacketLoss); m_ClientConnectionId = NetworkTransport.ConnectWithSimulator(m_ClientId, m_ServerIp, m_ServerPort, 0, out error, simConfig); } else { m_ClientConnectionId = NetworkTransport.Connect(m_ClientId, m_ServerIp, m_ServerPort, 0, out error); } m_Connection = (NetworkConnection)Activator.CreateInstance(m_NetworkConnectionClass); m_Connection.SetHandlers(m_MessageHandlers); m_Connection.Initialize(m_ServerIp, m_ClientId, m_ClientConnectionId, m_HostTopology); } void ConnectWithRelay(MatchInfo info) { m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Connecting; Update(); byte error; m_ClientConnectionId = NetworkTransport.ConnectToNetworkPeer( m_ClientId, info.address, info.port, 0, 0, info.networkId, Utility.GetSourceID(), info.nodeId, out error); m_Connection = (NetworkConnection)Activator.CreateInstance(m_NetworkConnectionClass); m_Connection.SetHandlers(m_MessageHandlers); m_Connection.Initialize(info.address, m_ClientId, m_ClientConnectionId, m_HostTopology); if (error != 0) { Debug.LogError("ConnectToNetworkPeer Error: " + error); } } public virtual void Disconnect() { m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Disconnected; ClientScene.HandleClientDisconnect(m_Connection); if (m_Connection != null) { m_Connection.Disconnect(); m_Connection.Dispose(); m_Connection = null; if (m_ClientId != -1) { NetworkTransport.RemoveHost(m_ClientId); m_ClientId = -1; } } } public bool Send(short msgType, MessageBase msg) { if (m_Connection != null) { if (m_AsyncConnect != ConnectState.Connected) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient Send when not connected to a server"); } return false; } #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.IncrementStat( UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.NetworkDirection.Outgoing, MsgType.UserMessage, msgType.ToString() + ":" + msg.GetType().Name, 1); #endif return m_Connection.Send(msgType, msg); } if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient Send with no connection"); } return false; } public bool SendWriter(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId) { if (m_Connection != null) { if (m_AsyncConnect != ConnectState.Connected) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendWriter when not connected to a server"); } return false; } return m_Connection.SendWriter(writer, channelId); } if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendWriter with no connection"); } return false; } public bool SendBytes(byte[] data, int numBytes, int channelId) { if (m_Connection != null) { if (m_AsyncConnect != ConnectState.Connected) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendBytes when not connected to a server"); } return false; } return m_Connection.SendBytes(data, numBytes, channelId); } if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendBytes with no connection"); } return false; } public bool SendUnreliable(short msgType, MessageBase msg) { if (m_Connection != null) { if (m_AsyncConnect != ConnectState.Connected) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendUnreliable when not connected to a server"); } return false; } #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.IncrementStat( UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.NetworkDirection.Outgoing, MsgType.UserMessage, msgType.ToString() + ":" + msg.GetType().Name, 1); #endif return m_Connection.SendUnreliable(msgType, msg); } if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendUnreliable with no connection"); } return false; } public bool SendByChannel(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId) { #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.IncrementStat( UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.NetworkDirection.Outgoing, MsgType.UserMessage, msgType.ToString() + ":" + msg.GetType().Name, 1); #endif if (m_Connection != null) { if (m_AsyncConnect != ConnectState.Connected) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendByChannel when not connected to a server"); } return false; } return m_Connection.SendByChannel(msgType, msg, channelId); } if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("NetworkClient SendByChannel with no connection"); } return false; } public void SetMaxDelay(float seconds) { if (m_Connection == null) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("SetMaxDelay failed, not connected."); } return; } m_Connection.SetMaxDelay(seconds); } public void Shutdown() { if (LogFilter.logDebug) Debug.Log("Shutting down client " + m_ClientId); if (m_ClientId != -1) { NetworkTransport.RemoveHost(m_ClientId); m_ClientId = -1; } RemoveClient(this); if (s_Clients.Count == 0) { SetActive(false); } } internal virtual void Update() { if (m_ClientId == -1) { return; } switch (m_AsyncConnect) { case ConnectState.None: case ConnectState.Resolving: case ConnectState.Disconnected: return; case ConnectState.Failed: GenerateConnectError((int)NetworkError.DNSFailure); m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Disconnected; return; case ConnectState.Resolved: m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Connecting; ContinueConnect(); return; case ConnectState.Connecting: case ConnectState.Connected: { break; } } if (m_Connection != null) { if ((int)Time.time != m_StatResetTime) { m_Connection.ResetStats(); m_StatResetTime = (int)Time.time; } } int numEvents = 0; NetworkEventType networkEvent; do { int connectionId; int channelId; int receivedSize; byte error; networkEvent = NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost(m_ClientId, out connectionId, out channelId, m_MsgBuffer, (ushort)m_MsgBuffer.Length, out receivedSize, out error); if (m_Connection != null) m_Connection.lastError = (NetworkError)error; if (networkEvent != NetworkEventType.Nothing) { if (LogFilter.logDev) { Debug.Log("Client event: host=" + m_ClientId + " event=" + networkEvent + " error=" + error); } } switch (networkEvent) { case NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent: if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Client connected"); } if (error != 0) { GenerateConnectError(error); return; } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Connected; m_Connection.InvokeHandlerNoData(MsgType.Connect); break; case NetworkEventType.DataEvent: if (error != 0) { GenerateDataError(error); return; } #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.IncrementStat( UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.NetworkDirection.Incoming, MsgType.LLAPIMsg, "msg", 1); #endif m_MsgReader.SeekZero(); m_Connection.TransportReceive(m_MsgBuffer, receivedSize, channelId); break; case NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent: if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("Client disconnected"); } m_AsyncConnect = ConnectState.Disconnected; if (error != 0) { if ((NetworkError)error != NetworkError.Timeout) { GenerateDisconnectError(error); } } ClientScene.HandleClientDisconnect(m_Connection); if (m_Connection != null) { m_Connection.InvokeHandlerNoData(MsgType.Disconnect); } break; case NetworkEventType.Nothing: break; default: if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Unknown network message type received: " + networkEvent); } break; } if (++numEvents >= k_MaxEventsPerFrame) { if (LogFilter.logDebug) { Debug.Log("MaxEventsPerFrame hit (" + k_MaxEventsPerFrame + ")"); } break; } if (m_ClientId == -1) { break; } } while (networkEvent != NetworkEventType.Nothing); if (m_Connection != null && m_AsyncConnect == ConnectState.Connected) m_Connection.FlushChannels(); } void GenerateConnectError(byte error) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("UNet Client Error Connect Error: " + error); } GenerateError(error); } void GenerateDataError(byte error) { NetworkError dataError = (NetworkError)error; if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("UNet Client Data Error: " + dataError); } GenerateError(error); } void GenerateDisconnectError(byte error) { NetworkError disconnectError = (NetworkError)error; if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("UNet Client Disconnect Error: " + disconnectError); } GenerateError(error); } void GenerateError(byte error) { NetworkMessageDelegate msgDelegate = m_MessageHandlers.GetHandler(MsgType.Error); if (msgDelegate == null) { msgDelegate = m_MessageHandlers.GetHandler(MsgType.Error); } if (msgDelegate != null) { ErrorMessage msg = new ErrorMessage(); msg.errorCode = error; // write the message to a local buffer byte[] errorBuffer = new byte[200]; NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter(errorBuffer); msg.Serialize(writer); // pass a reader (attached to local buffer) to handler NetworkReader reader = new NetworkReader(errorBuffer); NetworkMessage netMsg = new NetworkMessage(); netMsg.msgType = MsgType.Error; netMsg.reader = reader; netMsg.conn = m_Connection; netMsg.channelId = 0; msgDelegate(netMsg); } } public void GetStatsOut(out int numMsgs, out int numBufferedMsgs, out int numBytes, out int lastBufferedPerSecond) { numMsgs = 0; numBufferedMsgs = 0; numBytes = 0; lastBufferedPerSecond = 0; if (m_Connection != null) { m_Connection.GetStatsOut(out numMsgs, out numBufferedMsgs, out numBytes, out lastBufferedPerSecond); } } public void GetStatsIn(out int numMsgs, out int numBytes) { numMsgs = 0; numBytes = 0; if (m_Connection != null) { m_Connection.GetStatsIn(out numMsgs, out numBytes); } } public Dictionary GetConnectionStats() { if (m_Connection == null) return null; return m_Connection.packetStats; } public void ResetConnectionStats() { if (m_Connection == null) return; m_Connection.ResetStats(); } public int GetRTT() { if (m_ClientId == -1) return 0; byte err; return NetworkTransport.GetCurrentRTT(m_ClientId, m_ClientConnectionId, out err); } internal void RegisterSystemHandlers(bool localClient) { ClientScene.RegisterSystemHandlers(this, localClient); RegisterHandlerSafe(MsgType.CRC, OnCRC); RegisterHandlerSafe(MsgType.Fragment, NetworkConnection.OnFragment); } void OnCRC(NetworkMessage netMsg) { netMsg.ReadMessage(s_CRCMessage); NetworkCRC.Validate(s_CRCMessage.scripts, numChannels); } public void RegisterHandler(short msgType, NetworkMessageDelegate handler) { m_MessageHandlers.RegisterHandler(msgType, handler); } public void RegisterHandlerSafe(short msgType, NetworkMessageDelegate handler) { m_MessageHandlers.RegisterHandlerSafe(msgType, handler); } public void UnregisterHandler(short msgType) { m_MessageHandlers.UnregisterHandler(msgType); } static public Dictionary GetTotalConnectionStats() { Dictionary stats = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < s_Clients.Count; i++) { var client = s_Clients[i]; var clientStats = client.GetConnectionStats(); foreach (short k in clientStats.Keys) { if (stats.ContainsKey(k)) { NetworkConnection.PacketStat s = stats[k]; s.count += clientStats[k].count; s.bytes += clientStats[k].bytes; stats[k] = s; } else { stats[k] = new NetworkConnection.PacketStat(clientStats[k]); } } } return stats; } internal static void AddClient(NetworkClient client) { s_Clients.Add(client); } internal static bool RemoveClient(NetworkClient client) { return s_Clients.Remove(client); } static internal void UpdateClients() { for (int i = 0; i < s_Clients.Count; ++i) { if (s_Clients[i] != null) s_Clients[i].Update(); else s_Clients.RemoveAt(i); } } static public void ShutdownAll() { while (s_Clients.Count != 0) { s_Clients[0].Shutdown(); } s_Clients = new List(); s_IsActive = false; ClientScene.Shutdown(); #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.NetworkDetailStats.ResetAll(); #endif } internal static void SetActive(bool state) { // what is this check? //if (state == false && s_Clients.Count != 0) // return; if (!s_IsActive && state) { NetworkTransport.Init(); } s_IsActive = state; } }; } #endif //ENABLE_UNET