Mirror has nearly all of the components and features from UNet, making networking easy, concise and maintainable, whether you're starting from scratch or converting an existing project. We even have a [Migration Tool](Articles/General/Migration.md) to do most of the work for you!
Built to support games of any scale, from LAN party games to dedicated high-volume authoritative servers running hundreds of players, Mirror is the core networking solution for [uMMORPG](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/ummorpg-51212), [uSurvival](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/usurvival-95015), [Cubica](https://www.cubica.net/), and [more](https://mirror-networking.com/showcase/)!
-**TCP** ([Telepathy](Articles/Transports/Telepathy.md) and [Apathy](https://mirror-networking.com/apathy/) and [Booster](https://mirror-networking.com/booster/))
We've developed a [List Server](https://mirror-networking.com/list-server/) where game servers can register and clients can connect to find those servers to play on them.
- [Network Transform](Articles/Components/NetworkTransform.md) to sync position, rotation, and scale with interpolation
- [Network Animator](Articles/Components/NetworkAnimator.md) with 64 parameters
- [Network Proximity Checker](Articles/Components/NetworkProximityChecker.md) to help with Area of Interest
- [Network Scene Checker](Articles/Components/NetworkSceneChecker.md) to isolate players and networked objects to Additive scene instances
- [Network Match Checker](Articles/Components/NetworkMatchChecker.md) to isolate players and networked objects by [Network Visibility](Articles/Guides/Visibility.md)