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![Telepathy Logo](https://i.imgur.com/eUk2rmT.png)
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Simple, message based, MMO Scale TCP networking in C#. And no magic.
Telepathy was designed with the [KISS Principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle) in mind.<br/>
Telepathy is fast and extremely reliable, designed for [MMO](https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/51212) scale Networking.<br/>
Telepathy uses framing, so anything sent will be received the same way.<br/>
Telepathy is raw C# and can be used in Unity3D too.<br/>
# What makes Telepathy special?
Telepathy was originally designed for [uMMORPG](https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/51212) after 3 years in UDP hell.
We needed a library that is:
* Stable & Bug free: Telepathy uses only 400 lines of code. There is no magic.
* High performance: Telepathy can handle thousands of connections and packages.
* Concurrent: Telepathy uses one thread per connection. It can make heavy use of multi core processors.
* Simple: Telepathy takes care of everything. All you need to do is call Connect/GetNextMessage/Disconnect.
* Message based: if we send 10 and then 2 bytes, then the other end receives 10 and then 2 bytes, never 12 at once.
MMORPGs are insanely difficult to make and we created Telepathy so that we would never have to worry about low level Networking again.
# What about...
* Async Sockets: didn't perform better in our benchmarks.
* ConcurrentQueue: .NET 3.5 compatibility is important for Unity. Wasn't faster than our SafeQueue anyway.
* UDP vs. TCP: Minecraft and World of Warcraft are two of the biggest multiplayer games of all time and they both use TCP networking. There is a reason for that.
# Using the Telepathy Server
// create and start the server
Telepathy.Server server = new Telepathy.Server();
// grab all new messages. do this in your Update loop.
Telepathy.Message msg;
while (server.GetNextMessage(out msg))
switch (msg.eventType)
case Telepathy.EventType.Connect:
Console.WriteLine(msg.connectionId + " Connected");
case Telepathy.EventType.Data:
Console.WriteLine(msg.connectionId + " Data: " + BitConverter.ToString(msg.data));
case Telepathy.EventType.Disconnect:
Console.WriteLine(msg.connectionId + " Disconnected");
// send a message to client with connectionId = 0 (first one)
server.Send(0, new byte[]{0x42, 0x1337});
// stop the server when you don't need it anymore
# Using the Telepathy Client
// create and connect the client
Telepathy.Client Client = new Telepathy.Client();
client.Connect("localhost", 1337);
// grab all new messages. do this in your Update loop.
Telepathy.Message msg;
while (client.GetNextMessage(out msg))
switch (msg.eventType)
case Telepathy.EventType.Connect:
case Telepathy.EventType.Data:
Console.WriteLine("Data: " + BitConverter.ToString(msg.data));
case Telepathy.EventType.Disconnect:
// send a message to server
client.Send(new byte[]{0xFF});
// disconnect from the server when we are done
# Unity Integration
Here is a very simple MonoBehaviour script for Unity. It's really just the above code with logging configured for Unity's Debug.Log:
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class SimpleExample : MonoBehaviour
Telepathy.Client client = new Telepathy.Client();
Telepathy.Server server = new Telepathy.Server();
void Awake()
// update even if window isn't focused, otherwise we don't receive.
Application.runInBackground = true;
// use Debug.Log functions for Telepathy so we can see it in the console
Telepathy.Logger.LogMethod = Debug.Log;
Telepathy.Logger.LogWarningMethod = Debug.LogWarning;
Telepathy.Logger.LogErrorMethod = Debug.LogError;
void Update()
// client
if (client.Connected)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
client.Send(new byte[]{0x1});
// show all new messages
Telepathy.Message msg;
while (client.GetNextMessage(out msg))
switch (msg.eventType)
case Telepathy.EventType.Connected:
case Telepathy.EventType.Data:
Console.WriteLine("Data: " + BitConverter.ToString(msg.data));
case Telepathy.EventType.Disconnected:
// server
if (server.Active)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
server.Send(0, new byte[]{0x2});
// show all new messages
Telepathy.Message msg;
while (server.GetNextMessage(out msg))
switch (msg.eventType)
case Telepathy.EventType.Connected:
Console.WriteLine(msg.connectionId + " Connected");
case Telepathy.EventType.Data:
Console.WriteLine(msg.connectionId + " Data: " + BitConverter.ToString(msg.data));
case Telepathy.EventType.Disconnected:
Console.WriteLine(msg.connectionId + " Disconnected");
void OnGUI()
// client
GUI.enabled = !client.Connected;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 120, 20), "Connect Client"))
client.Connect("localhost", 1337);
GUI.enabled = client.Connected;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 0, 120, 20), "Disconnect Client"))
// server
GUI.enabled = !server.Active;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 25, 120, 20), "Start Server"))
GUI.enabled = server.Active;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 25, 120, 20), "Stop Server"))
GUI.enabled = true;
void OnApplicationQuit()
// the client/server threads won't receive the OnQuit info if we are
// running them in the Editor. they would only quit when we press Play
// again later. this is fine, but let's shut them down here for consistency
Make sure to enable 'run in Background' for your project settings, which is a must for all multiplayer games.
Then build it, start the server in the build and the client in the Editor and press Space to send a test message.
# Benchmarks
**Real World**<br/>
Telepathy is constantly tested in production with [uMMORPG](https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#!/content/51212).
We [recently tested](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQqf_iqOLlBRTUqqyor_OUx_rHlYx-SYvZWMvHGuLIuRuxJ-qX3s8JzrrBB5vxDdGfl-HhYZW3g5lLW/pub#h.h4wha2mpetsc) 100+ players all broadcasting to each other in the worst case scenario, without issues.
We had to stop the test because we didn't have more players to spawn clients.<br/>
The next huge test will come soon...
**Connections Test**<br/>
We also test only the raw Telepathy library by spawing 1 server and 1000 clients, each client sending 100 bytes 14 times per second and the server echoing the same message back to each client. This test should be a decent example for an MMORPG scenario and allows us to test if the raw Telepathy library can handle it.
Test Computer: 2015 Macbook Pro with a 2,2 GHz Intel Core i7 processor.<br/>
Test Results:<br/>
| Clients | CPU Usage | Ram Usage | Bandwidth Client+Server | Result |
| ------- | ----------| --------- | ------------------------ | ------ |
| 128 | 7% | 26 MB | 1-2 MB/s | Passed |
| 500 | 28% | 51 MB | 3-4 MB/s | Passed |
| 1000 | 42% | 75 MB | 3-5 MB/s | Passed |
_Note: results will be significantly better on a really powerful server. Tests will follow._
The Connections Test can be reproduced with the following code:<br/>
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Telepathy;
public class Test
static void Main()
// start server
Server server = new Server();
int serverFrequency = 60;
Thread serverThread = new Thread(() =>
Logger.Log("started server");
while (true)
// reply to each incoming message
Message msg;
while (server.GetNextMessage(out msg))
if (msg.eventType == EventType.Data)
server.Send(msg.connectionId, msg.data);
// sleep
Thread.Sleep(1000 / serverFrequency);
serverThread.IsBackground = false;
// start n clients and get queue messages all in this thread
int clientAmount = 1000;
string message = "Sometimes we just need a good networking library";
byte[] messageBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
int clientFrequency = 14;
List<Client> clients = new List<Client>();
for (int i = 0; i < clientAmount; ++i)
Client client = new Client();
client.Connect("localhost", 1337);
Logger.Log("started all clients");
while (true)
foreach (Client client in clients)
// send 2 messages each time
// get new messages from queue
Message msg;
while (client.GetNextMessage(out msg))
// client tick rate
Thread.Sleep(1000 / clientFrequency);
``` |